As a new parent, you may have heard the term "tummy time" and wondered what it means and why it's so important for your baby's development. Tummy time refers to the period when babies spend time lying on their stomachs while they are awake and supervised. This simple activity has a profound impact on a baby's physical and cognitive development. Let's explore the purpose of tummy time and why it's crucial for your baby's growth and development.

READ MORE: Australian Department of Health - Tummy Time Recommendations

  1. What is tummy time, and when should you start it?

Tummy time is an activity where you place your baby on their stomach while they are awake and supervised. This position helps to develop the muscles that are necessary for crawling, rolling over, sitting up, and walking. Tummy time can start as early as the first week of your baby's life, and it's essential to introduce it gradually and increase the duration as your baby becomes more comfortable.

  1. The benefits of tummy time

Tummy time provides a range of benefits for your baby's development. Some of the key advantages include:

  • Strengthening neck and back muscles: Tummy time helps your baby develop the muscles needed to lift their head, which is essential for rolling over, sitting up, and crawling.
  • Promoting gross motor skills: Tummy time encourages your baby to push up on their arms, which helps to develop their upper body strength and coordination.
  • Preventing flat head syndrome: Spending too much time lying on their back can cause flat spots to develop on your baby's head. Tummy time helps to redistribute the pressure on their skull, reducing the risk of flat head syndrome.
  • Enhancing visual development: Tummy time encourages your baby to look around, which helps to develop their eye muscles and enhance their visual development.
  • Promoting cognitive development: Being in the tummy time position helps your baby to engage with their environment, stimulating their senses and promoting cognitive development.

  1. How to make tummy time enjoyable for your baby

Some babies may find tummy time uncomfortable or even distressing, so it's essential to make it as enjoyable as possible. Here are some tips to help make tummy time a positive experience for your baby:

  • Use a comfortable surface: Place your baby on a soft and comfortable, yet supportive surface, a padded play mat is perfect. Remember to avoid soft surfaces like beds or couches to eliminate the risk of suffocation and falling from a height.
  • Engage with your baby: Get down on the floor and play with your baby during tummy time. This will help to distract them and make the experience more enjoyable.
  • Use toys: Place toys or a mirror in front of your baby to encourage them to lift their head and engage with their environment.
  • Be patient: Some babies may take a while to get used to tummy time, so be patient and start with short periods, gradually increasing the duration over time.

  1. How much tummy time should your baby have?

The Australian Government's Department of Health recommends that from birth to 12 months, babies should have at least 30 minutes of tummy time per day, spread out over several short sessions. However, every baby is different, and some may need more or less tummy time than others. It's essential to observe your baby and adjust their tummy time accordingly.


Tummy time is a simple activity that provides a range of benefits for your baby's development. By introducing tummy time early and gradually increasing the duration, you can help your baby develop the necessary muscles and skills for crawling, rolling over, sitting up, and walking. Remember to make tummy time enjoyable for your baby and be patient as they get used to this new position. With consistent tummy time, you can help your baby reach their full developmental potential.